You may have heard this question before: if your house is burning down what’s the one thing you would go back in and grab?

Responses vary, but one of the main responses is always your wedding album. It’s an heirloom piece that will be passed down for generations.

Purchasing an album is one of the best way to keep your memories together of your wedding day. These albums are crafted special with you in mind. There are so many options available for each album, but can be narrowed down by 3 simple steps:

Your Album Options

Step 1

Decide on a size for your album. There are so many options but the most common are: 8x8, 10x10 and 12x12

Step 2

Pick a cover: linen, leather, or suede
Pick your paper: Semi-matte or luster

Step 3

Create! Your album will come standard with 20 pages (10 spreads) but we can add more as you see fit

Our Most Common Question...

What would we order for ourselves?

We didn’t get our own wedding album until we had been married for a couple of years and now we’re so glad we decided to get one! It’s a conversation piece and we actually look through our album and wedding photos!

We ordered a 10x10 Linen Album with thick pages and we opted for 20 spreads (40 pages)

Story Album Upgrade

12 inch Linen, Suede, or Leather
80 Thick Heirloom Pages
All-Inclusive Customization


Creative Album Upgrade

~ Most Popular ~

10 inch Linen
40 Thick Heirloom Pages
All-Inclusive Customization


Starting Highlight Album

8 inch Linen
20 Thin Pages
No customization

Included in your package

Album Size Comparison

These are not the actual albums we offer, but this was a good size reference between the 8 - 10 - 12 inch albums. Most couples prefer the 10 inch.